ESP Logo'd Tremolo Saddle/Intonation Screws
Finally! These are the perfect replacements
for your missing screws!
each screw
.45 Cents each
Set of 6 for $2.50
ESP Logo'd Tremolo Saddle/String
Locking Screws
These are the perfect replacements
for your missing screws!
Sold in sets of
6 for $6.00
Truss rod cover and tuner screws
.35 cents each
ESP Logo'd Tremolo Socket Set Screws
These are correct fitting replacements with
an Allen wrench socket so no more slipping off
the head of the screw!
.50 cents ea.
Sold in a set
With Wrench
ESP Logo'd Tremolo Socket Friction Bushing
These are the correct fitting replacement
Socket Friction Bushings. These install in the
socket, and then the set screw (above) creates
pressure on the socket, then creating friction
on your trem bar, thus allowing you to position
the bar wherever you’d like.
$15.00 ea.
Bridge & Neck Hardware
Lock Nut Screws & Wrenches
$2.50 a set (3 screws & Wrench)HWscw-17
Lock Nut Screws
.45 cents
each screw
$2.50 a set
(3 screws & Wrench)
ESP Logo'd Tremolo Bar Socket “Click” Spring
These are the correct fitting replacement
springs formed to properly replace missing or
broken click springs for the Tremolo Bar
$35.00 ea.
ESP Logo'd Tremolo Bar Socket “Click”
Spring Screw
These are the correct fitting replacement
screws to properly replace your
missing screw for the spring above
$1.00 ea.
ESP Tremolo Bars
Nice original style tremolo bars that fit the original Logo'd ESP tremolos. I've had some questions
on this trem as there are at least 3 different sockets for these. The 2 styles that I can make them
for are shown below:
TB-Sync $30.00
Here's a closer pic of the type of sockets that I make the bars for:
Example of how to install and remove
the bar for the ESP tremolo:
These are made from solid polished or brushed stainless steel only.
NEW! Machined SHORTER ESP Logo'd
Tremolo Saddle/String Locking Screws
These are the same screws that I’ve always sold,
but due to popular requests to make them shorter,
These are now machined down as short as they
can possibly go.
As always, the string gauge you
use will be a factor on how far they stick up!
Sold in sets of
6 for $18.00
COMING SOON! Please Inquire
NEW Black Powder Coated Bars